Page 18 - CIRN Annual Report 2017
P. 18

vast majority of reports on vaccination were positive or neutral, with
                                                 to measure how well news coverage informs public understanding.
                                                           VH was acknowledged as a public health problem, it was generally
                                              coverage of vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination in order
                                                               conflated under a broader ‘anti-vaxxer’ discourse, thus obscuring
                                                                  important distinctions in the views and behaviours of parents as
                                                        measles outbreak in Disneyland, California and found that while
                                                     The study focused on Canadian media coverage of the 2014-15
                                          VH: a “wicked” risk communication problem examined media
                                     most negative reports coming from blogs or other websites.

                                                                      they related to vaccines.  Three SSHN projects are currently ongoing: Vaccinating pregnant  women: why are maternity care providers hesitant investigates  and assesses the determinants of Canadian family physicians’,  obstetrician-gynaecologists’, nurses’, and midwives’ willingness to  recommend and/or administer vaccines to their pregnant patients.  Developing and evaluating public health messages to address VH  w

                       Humanities Network (SSHN)

                                     focuses on vaccine acceptance and vaccine hesitancy (VH), linking
                                            and interest in the ethical, legal, and social implications of vaccine
                                                     Mapping VH in Canada was designed to provide a contextualized
                                                        understanding of VH and its determinants in Canada. The project
                                         social scientists and humanities researchers who have expertise
                                  The Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)
                Social Sciences and

                                               programs. SSHN has completed three projects.

                                                             has led to a consensus definition of VH in Canada and has provided  an understanding of the extent and impact of VH on Canadian  VH in Canadian parents was designed to develop an instrument  to measure the prevalence of VH in Canadian parents and to  monitor VH online using digital detection tools. The study results  demonstrate that although 85% of parents have reported that  their child was fully vaccinated, about 25% held
                                                                  vaccination programs.                               16
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