Page 23 - CIRN Annual Report 2017-18
P. 23


             & DR. JEFF KWONG

             The CIRN Provincial Collaborative Network (PCN)
             brings together leading researchers from multiple
             provincial governments, public health agencies,
             and research institutes to conduct a wide range
             of public health-relevant research and evaluation.
             The PCN studies characteristically do not involve
             collecting information directly from people or clinical
             studies, but instead, typically bring together a range
             of existing types of large-scale data to answer
             important questions very effi  ciently and eff ectively.
             These studies increase the evidence base to inform
             immunization strategies and programs in Canada and

             In 2017-18, PCN completed several studies, resulting
             in four presentations and three papers published in
             leading scientifi c journals. The publications included
             studies that catalogued methods used to assess
             vaccine coverage in Canada, validated the use of
             diagnostic codes to identify cases of pertussis
             (whooping cough), and outlined a protocol to examine  We have established strong partnerships between
             immunological protection from pertussis transmission  researchers and policy-makers. For example, a CIRN-
             in household contacts.                            funded trainee built on these relationships is leading
                                                               a study of how to strengthen the way that research
             The fi ve PCN studies that are currently in progress   infl uences immunization policy in order to maximize
             involve multiple provinces, vaccines, and research   the impact of immunization programs in Canada.
             methodologies. One nearly completed study is      This study leveraged CIRN support, as well as the
             examining vaccine safety and coverage in children   Canadian Institutes of Health Research [CIHR], Public
             with epilepsy using health administrative databases.   Health Agency of Canada, Association of Medical
             Another study is assessing under-reporting and    Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada,
             evaluating the eff ectiveness of pertussis vaccines in   Canadian Association for Immunization Research and
             multiple provinces using a combination of laboratory,   Evaluation, and Public Health Ontario.
             health administrative, and public health reportable
             disease surveillance databases. A pair of studies   In 2018/19, PCN aims to complete most of its existing
             are using linked laboratory and health administrative   studies and will develop plans for new studies for
             data to examine some recent controversial aspects   year three of CIRN by seeking increased linkages of
             regarding the eff ectiveness of infl uenza vaccines, with  partner organizations, collaborating investigators, and
             one studying the impact of repeated immunization   databases. For example, PCN is closely connected
             on infl uenza vaccine eff ectiveness in young children   with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in
             and another determining whether the eff ectiveness   Ontario, which is partnering with similar organizations
             of infl uenza immunization wanes over the course of   in several provinces to submit an application to CIHR
             an infl uenza season. Finally, the ENGAGE-HPV study,   for the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR)
             which is focused on preventing human papillomavirus   National Data Platform. The objective of this data
             (HPV) for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex   platform is to create effi  ciencies for accessing data
             with men in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, will   for multi-jurisdictional studies, which will be of great
             combine methods from epidemiology, mathematical   interest and benefi t to PCN and other CIRN networks
             modeling, and health economics.                   once ready.

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