Page 31 - CIRN Annual Report 2017-18
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•   SA McNeil on behalf of all other CIRN SOS Network and TIBDN Investigators. Infl uenza vaccine
                 eff ectiveness in the prevention of infl uenza-related hospitalization in Canadian adults over the 2011/12
                 through 2013/14 seasons: A pooled analysis from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the
                 Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN). CCfV Symposium/ID Research Day, Halifax, NS. April
                 11, 2017.

             •   Z Shaff elburg, on behalf of CIRN SOS Network Investigators. Impact of Oseltamivir in the Prevention of
                 Serious Outcomes Associated with Infl uenza in Hospitalized Canadian Adults: A Pooled Analysis from the
                 Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN).
                 Dalhousie Department of Medicine Research Day, Halifax, NS. April 13, 2017.

             •   SA McNeil, on behalf of all other CIRN SOS Network and TIBDN Investigators. Vaccine Eff ectiveness (VE) of
                 non-adjuvanted and adjuvanted trivalent inactivated infl uenza vaccines (TIV) in the prevention of infl uenza-
                 related hospitalization in Canadian seniors over the 2011/12 through 2013/14 season: A pooled analysis
                 from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network
                 (CIRN). Dalhousie Department of Medicine Research Day, Halifax, NS. April 13, 2017.

             •   S Mulpuru on behalf of all other CIRN SOS Network and TIBDN Investigators. Infl uenza Burden, Risk
                 Factors for Severe Disease, and Infl uenza Vaccine Eff ectiveness among Patients with Chronic Obstructive
                 Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Admitted to Hospital with Lab-confi rmed Infl uenza: A Study from the Serious
                 Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN). Dalhousie
                 Department of Medicine Research Day, Halifax, NS. April 13, 2017.

             •   SA McNeil and M Nichols on behalf of all other CIRN SOS Network and TIBDN Investigators Infl uenza
                 vaccine eff ectiveness in the prevention of infl uenza-related hospitalization in Canadian adults over the
                 2011/12 through 2013/14 seasons: A pooled analysis from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS)
                 Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN). Dalhousie Department of Medicine
                 Research Day, Halifax, NS. April 13, 2017.

             •   SA McNeil on behalf of all other CIRN SOS Network and TIBDN Investigators. Vaccine Eff ectiveness (VE) of
                 non-adjuvanted and adjuvanted trivalent inactivated infl uenza vaccines (TIV) in the prevention of infl uenza-
                 related hospitalization in Canadian seniors over the 2011/12 through 2013/14 season: A pooled analysis
                 from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network
                 (CIRN). CIRN Annual General Meeting, Halifax, NS. May 24, 2017.

             •   S Mulpuru on behalf of all other CIRN SOS Network and TIBDN Investigators. Infl uenza Burden, Risk
                 Factors for Severe Disease, and Infl uenza Vaccine Eff ectiveness among Patients with Chronic Obstructive
                 Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Admitted to Hospital with Lab-confi rmed Infl uenza: A Study from the Serious
                 Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN). CIRN
                 Annual General Meeting, Halifax, NS. May 24, 2017.

             •   Z Shaff elburg on behalf of CIRN SOS Investigators. Impact of Antivirals in the Prevention of Serious
                 Outcomes Associated with Infl uenza in Hospitalized Canadian Adults: A Pooled Analysis from the Serious
                 Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN). ID Week,
                 San Diego, USA. Oct 4-8, 2017.

             •   MK Andrew on behalf of CIRN SOS Network Investigators. Frailty Hinders Recovery From Acute
                 Respiratory Illness in Older Adults. ID Week, San Diego, USA. Oct 4-8, 2017.

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