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ALS Lang, S McNeil, TF Hatchette, M El-Sherif, I Martin, and J LeBlanc on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada/Canadian Institutes
of Health Research Infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network Investigators. Refi ning PCR-Based
Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae. CIC Ottawa. Dec 2014. Poster.
CS MacRae, A Oliver, S McNeil, M Andrew, M ElSherif, D MacKinnon-Cameron, L Ye, J Leblanc, A McGeer, TF Hatchette on behalf of the Public
Health Agency of Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS)
Network Investigators and the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). Respiratory Viral Infections among Hospitalized Adults: Not all
infl uenza-like-illness (ILI) is Infl uenza. CIC Ottawa. Dec 2014. Poster.
S McNeil, M Andrew, L Ye, M Elsherif, D MacKinnon-Cameron, A Ambrose, T Hatchette and J Leblanc on behalf of the Public Health Agency of
Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network. Active
surveillance for Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) amongst hospitalized Canadian adults, 2011-2013: A Public Health Agency of Canada/
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PCIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network Study. CIC Ottawa. Dec 2014. Poster.
E MacDonald, S McNeil, A McGeer, J McElhaney, J Johnstone, D MacKinnon-Cameron, L Ye, A Ambrose and M Andrew on behalf of the PCIRN
Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network Investigators and the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). Frailty in relation to infl uenza
burden of disease and serious outcomes: A report from the Public Health Agency of Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Infl uenza
Research Network (PCIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network. CIC Ottawa. Dec 2014. Oral Presentation.
A Oliver, CS MacRae, S McNeil, M ElSherif, D MacKinnon-Cameron, L Ye, A Ambrose, J Leblanc, A McGeer, TF Hatchette on behalf of the Public
Health Agency of Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS)
Network Investigators and the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN). Infl uenza Co-infections among Hospitalized Adults in Canada.
CIC Ottawa. Dec 2014. Poster.
G Worthen, A Ambrose, M Andrew, G Boivin, W Bowie, M Elsherif, K Green, T Hatchette, J Johnstone, J Leblanc, M Loeb, D Mackinnon-Cameron,
T Marrie, A McCarthy, A McGeer, M Semret, G Stiver, S Trottier, L Valiquette, D Webster, L Ye, S McNeil on behalf of the Public Health Agency
of Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network Investigators.
Cardiac Complications of Community Acquired Pneumonia amongst Hospitalized Canadian Adults. CIC Ottawa. Dec 2014. Oral Presentation.
R Amiro, M Andrew, A Ambrose, G Boivin, W Bowie, M ElSherif, K Green, F Haguinet, T Hatchette, B Ibarguchi, J Johnstone, K Katz, J LeBlanc,
MLoeb, D MacKinnon-Cameron, A McCarthy, A McGeer, J Powis, D Richardson, M Semret, V Shinde, G Stiver, STrottier, L Valiquette, D Webster,
L Ye, S McNeil on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN)
Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network and the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network (TIBDN) Investigators. Infl uenza risk factors,
outcomes, and vaccine effectiveness amongst immunocompromised adults admitted with acute respiratory illness (ARI); 2010/11 to 2013/14: A
PCIRN Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network Study. CIC Ottawa. Dec 2014. Poster.
S A McNeil, M K Andrew, L Ye, F Haguinet, T F Hatchette, M ElSherif, J LeBlanc, A Ambrose, A McGeer, J E McElhaney, M Loeb, D MacKinnon-
Cameron, R Sharma, G Dos Santos, V Shinde, on behalf of the Investigators of the Serious Outcomes Surveillance Network of the Canadian
Immunization Research Network. Interim estimates of 2014/15 infl uenza vaccine effectiveness in the prevention of laboratory-confi rmed
infl uenza-related hospitalisation, Canada, January 2015. Eurosurveillance. 05 Feb 2015.
PCN Provincial Collaborative Network
Schwartz KL, Kwong JC, Chen C, Bolotin S, Campitelli MA, Daneman N, Deeks SL, Jamieson FB, Lim G, Marchand-Austin A, Rosella LC, Stukel
TA, Wilson SE, Crowcroft NS. Pertussis Vaccine Effectiveness and Waning Protection in Ontario. Poster presentation. Canadian Immunization
Conference, 2014. Ottawa, ON. Dec 3, 2014.
Deeks SL. Challenges with current vaccines: Risk and benefi ts of rotavirus vaccines: balancing intussusception and effectiveness of the rotavirus
vaccine. Oral presentation. Canadian Immunization Conference, 2014. Ottawa, ON. Dec 3, 2014.
Atkinson K., Ducharme, R., Deeks, SL., Wilson, SE. Pascali, D., Wilson, K. Vaccination Attitudes and Mobile-Readiness: A Survey of Expectant and
New Mothers. Canadian Immunization Conference, December 2-4, 2014. Ottawa, Ontario.
Westeinde, J., Atkinson, K., Ducharme, R., Wilson, K. A Study of the Impact of a Mobile App on Maternal Attitudes and Beliefs toward Pediatric
Vaccination – Preliminary Baseline Data. OHRI Research Day, November 13th, 2014. Ottawa, Ontario.
Atkinson, K., Ducharme, R., Deeks, SL., Wilson, SE. Pascali, D., Wilson, K. A Study of the Impact of a Mobile App on Maternal Attitudes and Beliefs
toward Pediatric Vaccination – Preliminary Baseline Data. PCIRN Annual Meeting, May 7-8 2014. Toronto, Ontario.
Atkinson, K. Vaccination Attitudes and Mobile-Readiness: A Survey of Expectant and New Mothers. Canadian Immunization Conference,
December 3, 2014. Ottawa, Ontario.
Atkinson, K. A Study of the Impact of a Mobile App on Maternal Attitudes and Beliefs toward Paediatric Vaccination – Preliminary Baseline Data.
PCIRN Annual Meeting, May 7-8 2014. Toronto, Ontario.
Atkinson, K. A study on mobile applications for new mothers; ImmunizeCA. Prenatal Information Session, The Ottawa Hospital. January 20th,
2014. Ottawa, Ontario.
Atkinson, K., Westeinde, J., Ducharme, R., Wilson, SE, Deeks, SL., Pascali, D., Wilson, K. (2014). Vaccination Attitudes and Mobile Readiness; a
Survey of Expectant and New Mothers. Human Vaccine and Immunotherapeutics. In press.
SIC Special Immunizations Clinics Network
Top KA, Zafack J, De Serres G, Halperin SA. Canadian paediatricians’ approaches to managing patients with adverse events following
immunization: The role of the Special Immunization Clinic network. Paediatrics & child health, 2014. 19: 310-4
Top KA. The Special Immunization Clinic Network to Investigate Patients with Adverse Events Following Immunization and Potential
Contraindications to Vaccination. AMMI Canada - CACMID Annual Conference, April 2015
Rouleau I, Drolet JP, Gosselin J, Wagner E, Sea SP, Rivard GE, Fan L, Fiola S, Lejtenyi D , Banerjee D, Lemire C, Moore A, Paradis L, Alizadehfar
R, Des Roches, Chan ES, Stark D, Benoît M, De Serres G, on behalf of the PHAC-CIHR infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN). Biological markers
in patients with allergic-like symptoms following pandemic infl uenza vaccination. [abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 10th Canadian Immunization
Conference; 2012 December 3-5; Vancouver, BC.
Benoît M, Des Roches A, Paradis L, Gagnon R, Lemire C, Bégin P, Carr S, Chan ES, Paradis J, Frenette L, Ouakki M,De Serres G, on behalf of the
PHAC-CIHR infl uenza Research Network (PCIRN). Egg-Allergic Patients can be Safely Vaccinated Against Infl uenza. In: electronic-poster of the
10th Canadian Immunization Conference; 2012 December 3-5; Vancouver, BC.

Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN)
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