Page 16 - CIRN-AR-2015-PRESS.indd
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Financial Report

PCIRN Funding 2009-2015

Term of original PHAC/CIHR Grant Funding: April 2009 – March 2012
Term of new PHAC/CIHR Grant Funding: April 2012 – March 2015
Total PHAC/CIHR Grant to 2015: $18,361,281
Industry funding assigned to research studies 2009-15: $16,779,900
Total number of network research studies funded 2009-2015: 68
Total number of participating investigators & contributors to date: 135
Total number of participating institutions and organizations to date: 38

Invested in Research to March 31, 2015: $35 million*

$ –
Clinical Trials Program Delivery & National Ambulatory Clinics SOS Network Research Laboratories Knowledge Translation
Management &
Special Immunization

*Industry investment is not represented on the bar graph and totals $16.8 million for the years 2009-15 across the network.

CIRN Funding 2014 – 2017

Term of new CIHR Grant Funding: June 2014 – May 2017

Total CIHR Funding to 2017: $6.9 million

Grant funding assigned to research studies 2014-15: $900,378

Total number of network research studies funded 2014-2015: 15
Total number of participating investigators & contributors to date: 130+

Total number of participating institutions and organizations to date: 50+

Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN)
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