Page 17 - CIRN Annual Report 2017-18
P. 17

             DR. EVE DUBÉ

                       Vaccines have eradicated smallpox, nearly    how well news coverage informs public understanding.
                       eliminated polio, and have led to major reduc-  4.  Vaccinating pregnant women: are maternity care pro-
                       tions of serious infectious diseases. Due to   viders hesitant? Investigated the determinants of Ca-
                       these successes new generations are unaware   nadian family physicians’, obstetrician-gynaecologists’,
                       of the risks of many vaccine-preventable     nurses’, and midwives’ willingness to recommend and/
                       diseases, and concerns now often focus on    or administer vaccines to their pregnant patients.
                       the individual vaccines themselves. The Social
                       Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN) is   In 2018/19, the SSHN will continue work on fi ve studies:
                       a multidisciplinary network regrouping social
                       scientists and humanities researchers across   1.  Developing and evaluating public health messages to
                                                                    address vaccine hesitancy: Will identify which commu-
            Canada to examine the ethical, legal, and social impli-  nication strategies show promise for reducing parental
            cations of vaccine programs. SSHN projects focus on     vaccine hesitancy, specifi cally looking at the role of
            vaccine acceptance and vaccine hesitancy with the goal   narratives.
            of generating evidence and approaches that will enable
            vaccination programs, healthcare providers, and policy   2.  Addressing vaccine hesitancy: pan-Canadian valida-
                                                                    tion of an effective strategy: Will evaluate the impact of
            decision-makers to address vaccine hesitancy and achieve   motivational interviewing on parents’ intention to vac-
            greater vaccination acceptance.
                                                                    cinate their infant and vaccine uptake at 12 months.
            The SSHN members are Canadian and international lead-  3.  Determinants of HPV vaccine uptake in school-based
            ers in research around vaccine hesitancy and acceptance.   programs in Canada: Will allow to better understand
            SSHN researchers sit on a number of federal and inter-  the determinants of HPV vaccine uptake in school-
            national committees, and their work is recognized as a   based vaccination programs in Canada in order to
            theoretical basis for research in this area in Canada.  identify promising strategies.
            In 2017/18, SSHN researchers completed four research   4.  Identifying effective communication materials to en-
            projects:                                               hance vaccine acceptance: Will develop communica-
                                                                    tion materials for enhancing vaccine acceptance that
            1.  Mapping vaccine hesitancy in Canada: Designed to    both follow evidence-based risk communication crite-
                provide a contextualized understanding of vaccine   ria and meet the needs and preferences of parents.
                hesitancy and its determinants in Canada.
            2.  Vaccine hesitancy in Canadian parents: Designed to   5.  Unpacking vaccine hesitancy among perinatal health-
                                                                    care providers: infl uences on beliefs and practices. An
                develop an instrument to measure the prevalence of   ethnographic study that will explore vaccine hesitancy
                vaccine hesitancy in Canadian parents and to monitor   in maternity care providers and their perceptions of
                vaccine hesitancy online using digital detection tools.
                                                                    information interventions aimed at increasing their
            3.  Vaccine hesitancy: a “wicked” risk communication    acceptance and promotion of vaccines for pregnant
                problem: Examined media coverage of vaccine pre-    women and infants.
                ventable diseases and vaccination in order to measure

                 Jane Heffernan           Laurence Monnais              Karina Top                Mark Yudin
                  York University        Université de Montréal     Dalhousie University       University of Toronto
                 Cindy Jardine               Gina Ogilvie                Dat Tran
                University of Alberta     University of British     University of Toronto
                                              Columbia                                        COLLABORATORS:
                   Kevin Katz                                         Jordan Tustin
             North York General Hospital    Monika Naus              Ryerson University      Cora Constantinescu
                                         BC Centre for Disease                                 University of Calgary
                Noni MacDonald                 Control                 Nancy Waite
                Dalhousie University                                University of Waterloo      Monica Brown
                                           Jennifer Potter                                     University of British
              Shannon MacDonald          University of Manitoba      Kumanan Wilson                Columbia
                University of Alberta                             Ottawa Hospital Research
                                             Vineet Saini                                      Mary Wiktorowicz
              Heather MacDougall          University of Calgary          Institute               York University
               University of Waterloo                                  Sarah Wilson
                                         Chantal Sauvageau                                 Michelle Wyndham West
                Samantha Meyer              Université Laval        Public Health Ontario        York University
               University of Waterloo                                Holly Witteman
                                          Audrey Steenbeek
                                          Dalhousie University        Université Laval
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