Page 15 - CIRN Annual Report 2017-18
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Vaccines are among the most eff ective ways The network also supports two multi-centre studies:
to prevent infection. Before vaccines are
introduced into publicly-funded immunization 1. Vaccinating children after chemotherapy for
programs they are carefully tested to ensure acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is studying
they are safe and eff ective, with benefi ts how well vaccines work and how safe they are
outweighing risks. However, a few people in children with leukemia who have fi nished their
will experience an adverse event (side eff ect) chemotherapy. Enrollment is complete and results
after receiving a vaccine and such events are expected in fall 2018.
may raise concerns in children, parents and 2. Immunization practices in children with primary
vaccine providers about the safety of future immune defi ciencies (PID) aims to describe
immunizations. Researchers and vaccine providers vaccination practices of immunologists,
have more to learn about who is most at risk of pediatricians and infectious disease specialists
experiencing another adverse event after their next caring for children with PID through a survey
vaccine or the best way to vaccinate those people. (results expected Spring 2018), and a review of
medical charts of children diagnosed with PID
The Special Immunization Clinic Network (SIC) was before age seven (results expected in fall 2018).
established across Canada in 2013 by infectious disease
specialists and allergists to provide expert advice to In 2017, the SIC network partnered with Public Health
patients who had experienced adverse events following Ontario (Dr. Shelley Deeks) and Peel Public Health
immunization and those who have medical conditions Region (Dr. Lawrence Loh) to deliver a successful
that may aff ect their immunizations. There are 11 special workshop on Management of Adverse Events Following
immunization clinics across six Canadian provinces: Immunization for immunization program managers and
British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Alberta medical offi cers of health in the Greater Toronto Area.
(two clinics), Ontario (three clinics), and Quebec (three Dr. Joseline Zafack (PhD Candidate), led a systematic
clinics). SIC physicians conduct standard patient review of the risk of recurrence of adverse events
assessments, and evaluate vaccine safety, eff ectiveness following immunization that was published in the journal
and coverage in immunocompromised patients. Results Pediatrics and led the update and revision of the SIC
to date indicate that the risk of a recurrence of the Network’s management guide.
adverse event is low in most patients and that such
recurrences are generally milder than the fi rst event.
Zainab Abdurrahman Gaston de Serres Sasson Lavi Marie-Noëlle Primeau
McMaster’s Children’s Université Laval The Hospital for Sick Children Montreal Children’s Hospital
Hospital Anne Des Roches Athena McConnell Earl Rubin
Adelle Atkinson CHU Sainte-Justine University of Saskatchewan McGill University
The Hospital for Sick Children Jean Philippe Drolet Shelly McNeil Soren Gantt
Francois Boucher CHU Laval Dalhousie University University of British Columbia
Université Laval Scott Halperin Shaun Morris Manish Sadarangani
Catherine Burton Dalhousie University Hospital for Sick Children University of British Columbia
University of Alberta Kyla Hildebrand Francisco Noya Bruce Tapiéro
Rupesh Chawla BC Children’s and Women’s McGill University CHU Sainte-Justine
University of Calgary Hospital Taj Jadavji Wendy Vaudry
Cora Constantinescu Simon Hotte University of Calgary University of Alberta
University of Calgary Children’s Hospital of Eastern Jeffrey Pernica Yarden Yanishevsky
Shelley Deeks McMaster University Edmonton Clinic Health
Public Health Ontario Gina Lacuesta Anne Pham-Huy Academy
IWK Health Center University of Ottawa