Page 13 - CIRN-AR-2015-PRESS.indd
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CIRN & PCIRN Trainees

Each year CIRN welcomes students from across the immunization research
spectrum to participate in research projects and to receive funding support
though CIRN.

CIRN offers Training Awards for master’s students, doctoral (PhD) students, and postdoctoral fellows who propose or
support an immunization research project related to one of the eight networks. Priority is given to candidates working
directly on CIRN-funded projects, with opportunity also given to trainees working on broader CIRN research priorities.

CIRN Trainees

Aleksandra Wierzbowski u Aleksandra is a Post- Maryline Vivion u Maryline has been a member of
Doctoral Fellow at the Vaccine and Drug Evaluation the Group Scientifi c on Immunization (GSI) at the Institut
Centre (VDEC) in the Department of Community Health national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) since
Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences at the University 2010. As a specialist in qualitative research methods,
of Manitoba. Dr. Wierzbowski obtained her PhD with she has collaborated on several research projects looking
the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious at vaccine acceptance and vaccine promotion. Since
Diseases at the University of Manitoba. Her PhD focused 2013, directed by Dr. Massé and Dr. Dubé at Université
on molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance and Laval, she has begun a PhD in anthropology to better
multi-drug resistance, the spread and virulence factors understand the different factors infl uencing parents’
as well as vaccine effectiveness among Streptococcus vaccination decisions, with a special focus on the role
pneumoniae obtained from across Canada. Her research of internet and social media. Maryline also works on
interests include vaccine preventable diseases, particularly Mapping vaccine Hesitancy in Canada as part of her
pneumococcal, vaccine safety and effectiveness. PhD thesis work.

Michelle Pinto u Dr. Pinto completed her Bachelor
Daniel Gaston u Dan has been working on applying of Science, MD and pediatric residency training at the
next-generation sequencing technologies for the University of Manitoba. She completed her subspecialty
identifi cation and discrimination of vaccine-preventable training in Pediatric Infectious Diseases in Vancouver
serotypes of Streptococcus pneumonia with Dr. Jason at BC Children’s Hospital in 2014. Dr. Pinto is pursuing
LeBlanc at the Nova Scotia Health Authority in Halifax, further training in public health, and is completing
NS. Selected S. pneumonia isolates of serotypes her Master’s program in Clinical Epidemiology at the
covered by the PCV13 and PP23 vaccines that cannot University of British Columbia. She has a specifi c interest
be differentiated by PCR have undergone whole- in vaccinology, and will be undergoing further training
genome sequencing using the Illumina MiSeq. Whole- in this fi eld, as well as participating in various research
genome sequencing data is now being assembled and projects. Her current project examines the duration
differentiating genetic variants/biomarkers identifi ed.
of immune memory in adolescents who were infant
vaccinees with hepatitis B vaccine, and whether an
Hasantha Sinnock u Hasantha is a M.Sc. student adolescent booster is required to provide long lasting
with the Department of Community Health Sciences at protection. Recruitment is completed and results will be
the University of Manitoba. Prior to graduate studies she available by mid-2015.
completed her B.Sc. in biochemistry in 2008 and worked
as an analytical biochemist for Health Canada for six Joseline Zafack u Joseline is a physician from
years. As a CIRN trainee, Hasantha will be working on the Cameroon currently doing her PhD in Epidemiology
Systematic Review of Data Sources and Methodology at Laval University. She is working on adverse events
for Vaccine Coverage Assessment in Canada project following immunization (AEFI) to evaluate their risk of
under the direction of Dr. Salah Mahmud. recurrence upon revaccination.

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