Page 12 - CIRN-AR-2015-PRESS.indd
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province-wide condition of service seasonal infl uenza
immunization policy for HCWs, and a facility survey to
understand the logistics of planning and implementing
the new provincial infl uenza policy. Findings from this
study, led by Dr. Donna MacDougall and Dr. Charmaine
MacPherson, are currently being analyzed and will be
shared with those developing a similar policy in Nova

A Study of the Impact of ImmunizeCA, a New
Smartphone App, on Maternal Beliefs and
Attitudes toward Pediatric Vaccination studies
whether a smart-phone app could impact pediatric
on-time vaccination. Future implications of this study
are to further study the potential to improve individual
adherence to on time vaccination as well as how
solutions can be leveraged to improve surveillance of
vaccine safety, coverage and effectiveness.

Rapid Trials Network (RTN)
Led by Dr. David Scheifele and Carol LaJeunesse, this
Vaccine Attitude Surveillance using Semantic network mastered the needs for conducting rapid trials
Analysis (VASSA) focuses on whether an accurate that can inform public policy as required in a health
and useful surveillance system for tracking beliefs and emergency. With PCIRN ending, investigators wished to
sentiments related to vaccination can be established. To ensure that the lessons they learned would be available
date this study has shown that causal assertions in blogs to future investigators facing similar challenges. The
about vaccination can be automatically detected; further Legacy Project met that objective. Documents have
plans for the project include analyzing online news been created to guide investigators through organization
media to automatically detect assertions about the safety and conduct of a rapid trial. Included in the guidance
and effectiveness of vaccines and comparing assertions documents is also a Site Readiness Package with SOPs
to existing knowledge. This work is being led by Dr. for every aspect of a well conducted trial. The full legacy
David Buckeridge and conducted at McGill University, documents will be archived at CIRN and PHAC while the
with collaborators at Concordia University and Harvard Site Readiness Package will be made available to CIRN
University. Clinical Trial sites.

Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN)
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