Research Studies

Determinants of HPV vaccine uptake in school-based programs in Canada

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Vaccine hesitancy among Canadian parents

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Evaluation and gap analysis of federal and provincial/territorial systems and methodologies used to assess immunization coverage

Provincial Collaborative Network (PCN)

Pharmacists as Immunizers to Improve Coverage and Provider/Recipient Satisfaction: A prospective, Controlled, Community-Embedded Study with vaccineS with low coverage rates (the Improve ACCESS study)

Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) and invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) burden of illness, serotype distribution, and vaccine effectiveness (VE) among hospitalized Canadian adults

Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network

African-Canadian Study of HIV-Infected Adults and a Vaccine for Ebola (ACHIV Ebola)

Clinical Trials Network

Vaccine hesitancy: A “wicked” risk communication problem

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Vaccine hesitancy during pregnancy: Why are maternity care providers hesitant?

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Developing and evaluating public health messages to address vaccine hesitancy

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Addressing vaccine hesitancy: Pan-Canadian validation of an effective strategy

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Identifying effective communication materials to enhance vaccine acceptance

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Mapping vaccine hesitancy in Canada

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

Unpacking vaccine hesitancy among perinatal healthcare providers: Influences on beliefs and practices

Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)

A randomized controlled trial to compare protection in adolescents between different meningococcal immunization schedules used in Canada           

Clinical Trials Network

A randomized controlled trial to compare a 1-dose vs 2-dose priming schedule of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) in Canadian infants

Clinical Trials Network

Is MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccine (IV) a preferred priming vaccine for naive infants 6 - <24 months of age? A randomized controlled observer blind trial   

Clinical Trials Network

Impact of repeated vaccination against influenza on influenza antibody titres and laboratory-confirmed illness        

Clinical Trials Network

Studies in support of a new vaccine to prevent invasive Haemophilus influenzae type a (Hia) disease in Canadian Indigenous communities 

Clinical Trials Network

Flu Vaccine Safety Survey / Enquête sur la sécurité du vaccin contre la grippe

Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS) Influenza Safety Surveillance

Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS) COVID-19 Safety Surveillance


Mixed Methods Examination of the 2012-2014 British Columbia Influenza Prevention Policy

Program Delivery and Evaluation Network

Correlation between clinical assessment of frailty (FI) and T cell parameters associated with immunosenescence

Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network

Impact of hospitalization due to influenza on short and long-term frailty in older adults: toward a better understanding of influenza burden of disease

Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network

Optimization of the adjusted estimate of VE: Utility of the Frailty Index (FI) in quantifying and adjusting for confounding by vaccine indication

Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network

Impact of Pharmacist Delivery of Influenza Vaccines on Coverage

Integrating Barcode Scanning Technology into Vaccination Settings

Program Delivery and Evaluation Network

Monitoring and Explaining Vaccine Refusal Using the Internet and Social Media

Program Delivery and Evaluation Network

Parental Perceptions of School-Based Influenza Vaccination (SBIV)

Program Delivery and Evaluation Network

Role of Leaders in HCP Influenza Immunization Success

Investigation of Patients Referred for Allergic Symptoms following vaccination

A study of the impact of ImmunizeON, a new iPhone app, on maternal beliefs and attitudes toward pediatric vaccination

Program Delivery and Evaluation Network

Randomized Evaluation of Live Attenuated vs. Trivalent Inactivated influenza VaccinEs in Schools (RELATIVES): Pilot Study

Program Delivery and Evaluation Network

Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS) Influenza Safety Surveillance

Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS)

Vaccine Attitude Surveillance using Semantic Analysis (VASSA)

Program Delivery and Evaluation Network

Sustaining protection against hepatitis B from infancy to adulthood: assessing the case for a booster dose in adolescence

Preparedness for and response to meningococcal outbreaks – a pilot study of the immunogenicity, reactogenicity, and tolerability of two schedules of a 4CmenB vaccine in adolescents and young adults

Vaccinating after chemotherapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplant

Special Immunization Clinic (SIC) Network

A multiprovincial approach to evaluating pertussis vaccine effectiveness in Canada using administrative data

Provincial Collaborative Network (PCN)

Determinants of immunological protection from household transmission of pertussis during outbreaks: Pilot of outbreak-responsiveness research

Assessing intussusceptions and rotavirus vaccine safety in Canada using administrative data

Provincial Collaborative Network (PCN)

Population immunity to measles in Canada

Reference Laboratory Network (RLN)

Measuring social and sexual contact patterns in Canada to improve the control of infectious diseases

Modeling and Economics Research Network (ModERN)

Ebola Vaccine Clinical Trial