- CIRN - Canadian Immunization Research Network
- CIRN 2019 AGM Program
- Sudbury: Medicor Research Incorporated
- The Ottawa Hospital
- Équipe de recherche en vaccination du CHU de Québec
- Trainee Materials
- Protected: MenACWY
- Protected: CT18
- CIRN 2024 Call for Proposals
- 2019 Annual Report to CIHR
- Montréal: McGill University Health Centre, The Montréal Children’s Hospital
- SIC Network Patient Referrals
- Study Sites
- Clinical Trials Network
- Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS)
- Special Immunization Clinic (SIC) Network
- Reference Laboratory Network (RLN)
- Provincial Collaborative Network (PCN)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Network (SSHN)
- Modeling and Economics Research Network (ModERN)
- Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network
- Determinants of HPV vaccine uptake in school-based programs in Canada
- Vaccine hesitancy among Canadian parents
- Evaluation and gap analysis of federal and provincial/territorial systems and methodologies used to assess immunization coverage
- Pharmacists as Immunizers to Improve Coverage and Provider/Recipient Satisfaction: A prospective, Controlled, Community-Embedded Study with vaccineS with low coverage rates (the Improve ACCESS study)
- Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) and invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) burden of illness, serotype distribution, and vaccine effectiveness (VE) among hospitalized Canadian adults
- African-Canadian Study of HIV-Infected Adults and a Vaccine for Ebola (ACHIV Ebola)
- Vaccine hesitancy: A “wicked” risk communication problem
- Vaccine hesitancy during pregnancy: Why are maternity care providers hesitant?
- Developing and evaluating public health messages to address vaccine hesitancy
- Addressing vaccine hesitancy: Pan-Canadian validation of an effective strategy
- Identifying effective communication materials to enhance vaccine acceptance
- Mapping vaccine hesitancy in Canada
- Unpacking vaccine hesitancy among perinatal healthcare providers: Influences on beliefs and practices
- A randomized controlled trial to compare protection in adolescents between different meningococcal immunization schedules used in Canada
- A randomized controlled trial to compare a 1-dose vs 2-dose priming schedule of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) in Canadian infants
- Is MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccine (IV) a preferred priming vaccine for naive infants 6 – <24 months of age? A randomized controlled observer blind trial
- Impact of repeated vaccination against influenza on influenza antibody titres and laboratory-confirmed illness
- Studies in support of a new vaccine to prevent invasive Haemophilus influenzae type a (Hia) disease in Canadian Indigenous communities
- Flu Vaccine Safety Survey / Enquête sur la sécurité du vaccin contre la grippe
- Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS) Influenza Safety Surveillance
- Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS) COVID-19 Safety Surveillance
- Mixed Methods Examination of the 2012-2014 British Columbia Influenza Prevention Policy
- Correlation between clinical assessment of frailty (FI) and T cell parameters associated with immunosenescence
- Impact of hospitalization due to influenza on short and long-term frailty in older adults: toward a better understanding of influenza burden of disease
- Optimization of the adjusted estimate of VE: Utility of the Frailty Index (FI) in quantifying and adjusting for confounding by vaccine indication
- Impact of Pharmacist Delivery of Influenza Vaccines on Coverage
- Integrating Barcode Scanning Technology into Vaccination Settings
- Monitoring and Explaining Vaccine Refusal Using the Internet and Social Media
- Parental Perceptions of School-Based Influenza Vaccination (SBIV)
- Role of Leaders in HCP Influenza Immunization Success
- Investigation of Patients Referred for Allergic Symptoms following vaccination
- A study of the impact of ImmunizeON, a new iPhone app, on maternal beliefs and attitudes toward pediatric vaccination
- Randomized Evaluation of Live Attenuated vs. Trivalent Inactivated influenza VaccinEs in Schools (RELATIVES): Pilot Study
- Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS) Influenza Safety Surveillance
- Vaccine Attitude Surveillance using Semantic Analysis (VASSA)
- Sustaining protection against hepatitis B from infancy to adulthood: assessing the case for a booster dose in adolescence
- Preparedness for and response to meningococcal outbreaks – a pilot study of the immunogenicity, reactogenicity, and tolerability of two schedules of a 4CmenB vaccine in adolescents and young adults
- Vaccinating after chemotherapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplant
- A multiprovincial approach to evaluating pertussis vaccine effectiveness in Canada using administrative data
- Determinants of immunological protection from household transmission of pertussis during outbreaks: Pilot of outbreak-responsiveness research
- Assessing intussusceptions and rotavirus vaccine safety in Canada using administrative data
- Population immunity to measles in Canada
- Measuring social and sexual contact patterns in Canada to improve the control of infectious diseases
- Ebola Vaccine Clinical Trial